A Christian Community in the City Centre Seeking to Make Christ Known
These are the Core Groups which look after key areas in the life of the church and each is convened by a Deacon or member of the church.
This Core Group looks after the fellowship area of church life.
This Core Group helps us fulfil our commitment to prayer.
The role of the Service Core Group is to contribute to meeting the needs of the community within and beyond our church fellowship. The activities currently conducted to achieve this are:
This Core Group aims to raise awareness within the church of mission, both at
home and abroad, and to coordinate practical support. The Church is an
active supporter of missionary organisations and individuals at home and
abroad including: Anurag Ministries (in Mumbai, India), BMS World
Mission, Somebody Cares, Stella's Voice, and Work Place Chaplaincy
This Core Group meets regularly throughout the year to review all aspects of
worship in the church. They have particular responsibility for Sunday
services, the Care Home service at Maryfield West. They plan for the
main festivals of the church year - Advent and Christmas, Holy Week and
Easter. It’s a big remit, but they try their best to keep on top of it