MORNING WORSHIP, Sundays at 11.00am Our Sunday morning services last for about an hour and include a mixture of traditional and modern worship songs. They invariably include singing, prayer, Bible reading, an all-age slot and a sermon or talk. Video clips, responsive readings and 'audience' participation are frequently involved!
We welcome young people of all ages. A crèche facility is available for pre-school children of both members and visitors. Provision
is also made for primary school age children offering a mix of
Communion is included in the service once a month (usually on the third Sundays) and is open to all who love Jesus.
The last Sunday of each month is an opportunity for all attending to worship together and the children stay in. This service is less formal. When the last Sunday is a fifth Sunday the service starts with refreshments. The chairs
in the Church are arranged around coffee tables to enable
conversation before, during and after the service.