This Week's Service
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Prayer Station 1:
Senior Pastor, Horaios Baptist Church, Cambodia
Heart for the Gospel
Pastor J felt God’s calling to full-time ministry when he was studying for his Master’s degree in his home country of India. He was ordained and worked in the Baptist Church of Mizoram home mission, which later sent him to Cambodia, where he has been serving since 2014.
He is a BMS World Mission worker, leads training for evangelists in church planting and leadership, and oversees a dormitory ministry for local students. By focussing on selected villages and integrating his ministry with meeting local needs, he seeks to sustainably grow
disciples and the Church in Cambodia.
Pastor J says:
Upon my arrival in Cambodia, I learned that most churches are struggling to survive and support themselves financially. Most of the active churches are financially supported by foreign mission agencies. I’m passionate about Cambodian Christians being able to sustain and manage themselves. In order for their church to grow, Christian leaders need to be equipped with biblical knowledge and leadership skills.
In Acts 3: 1-6 the lame man was healed at the Beautiful Gate (Horaios) and able to walk by himself. It is a vision of how Cambodian Christians must stand by themselves. With a modest budget, we launched our ministry from the ground up. We’re establishing a model church – Horaios Baptist Church. Moreover, we’re focussing on rural people by supporting evangelists to plant churches. We disciple young people, who will be future Christian
leaders in their respective places.
For the six boys and ten girls who are staying at our hostel for college students. Pray that they may become faithful followers of Christ, as more than half of them are not Christians.
For God to provide the land or a building for a mission centre in Cambodia. This will be a multi-purpose building, which can be used as a training centre, a place of worship for Horaios Baptist Church and as a guest house.
Creative prayer
Set aside some time to have a prayer walk. It could be at the park, in a public place or at your workplace. Start with some specific prayer points. You also could also extend these to the people you pass by.
Prayer Station 2:
Finance, Projects and Partnerships Officer, Guinebor II Hospital
Hope for the World
Lucia’s home country is Brazil. She joined BMS World Mission in West Africa in 2022 and has been part of the BMS team at Guinebor II (G2) Hospital in Chad since January 2024, where she serves as their Finance, Projects and Partnerships Officer. Her responsibilities include managing relationships with international partners, foreign embassies and UN agencies.
Lucia says:
I’ve noticed some interesting parallels between the current situation in Chad and the historical realities of Brazil in the 1940s and 1950s. During that time, Latin America was a major focus of missionary work, and it was during those decades and the subsequent years that a Swedish missionary trained my grandfather to become a church planter. It’s amazing to think that during those same years, Brazil had an infant mortality rate of 160 deaths before the age of one for every 1,000 births.
Fast forward to the 21st century, and Brazil, in collaboration with western Christians, is sending mission workers to places like Chad. Currently, Brazil still grapples with a high infant mortality rate, currently at 13 deaths per 1,000 births. Chad’s infant mortality rate is 66 deaths per 1,000 births.
For the staff at G2 Hospital, as they work to respond to the medical needs of Chadians, ensuring healthier communities among diverse ethnicities in Chad.
Creative prayer
Use Lego or playdough to build your own version of the new hospital emergency room, that’s just been built at G2. As you do this, pray that it would be a place where many people are helped.
Prayer Station 3:
Chief Operations Officer, Thimar, Lebanon
Help for the Journey
Wissam serves as the Chief Operations Officer for Thimar – a non- profit organisation in Lebanon and a long-term partner of BMS World Mission. Thimar strengthens the witness of the Church across the Arab world through inclusive education, community development and discipleship.
Wissam says:
Despite the fear and uncertainty of the current conflict, we have faced this before. In 2006, during the last major conflict between Hezbollah and Israel, we opened our campuses to those displaced by the war. Many who sought refuge with us came from non-Christian areas, and this experience led to the creation of our aid and development ministry.
Now, as we stand on the precipice of another potential conflict, we are called once again to step outside our comfort zone and adopt a mindset of service. We have made preparations to respond to the different challenges that may arise, including offering refuge to those displaced by violence.
As the children of the God of hope, this is the time, more than ever, to be ready for ministry and to practise what we preach. We are constantly reminded that the safest place is where God wants you to be. Therefore, our mindset should be that of sober people, ready for service.
For strength and resilience for our teams as they serve and support those who have fled their homes.
Creative prayer
Try to pack different sized boxes labelled with things like home, school, work, or pets, into a small case. Reflect on all the things refugees have to leave behind. Ask God to help us restore as much as we can of what has been lost to refugees and displaced people.
Prayer Station 4:
Justice Livelihoods Health (JLH), Uganda
Gender Justice
Valerie is passionate about children’s well-being and teaches in Sunday school, along with her work as a Child Protection Officer. She focuses on improving basic education and creates opportunities for lifelong learning by ensuring that children can go to school in villages across northern Uganda.
She also strengthens child protection mechanisms by training caregivers and communities to protect children. In addition, Valerie also offers psychosocial support to victims of abuse and helps to reintegrate them back into their communities without feeling afraid and alone.
Valerie says:
My name is Valerie Kisaber, and I have worked for BMS World Mission partner JLH since 2018. My parents moved us from Kenya to Uganda when we joined high school. When we got to Kampala we heard very sad and horrific stories concerning the rebel group and the effects the war was having on people in the northern region of Uganda. As a mission worker from Kenya to Uganda, all I aspire to do is to spread the love of Jesus to the Acholi people of Uganda while meeting a need. And that need is to see that parents raise their children in God-fearing homes. I also raise awareness of the dangers of gender-based violence in communities, for that is not what God desires of the families that he so loves and created.
I immediately felt in my spirit that this is where God wants me to be and after my studies, I came to Gulu and joined in the fight to bring peace where it had been lost.
Working in the northern part of Uganda has certainly not been an easy journey. But I am so grateful to God that he has established his peace here through the mission workers, and that he has helped us to continue to fight for peace and justice.
One prayer request that has been in my heart is to ask God to help the men, women and children to get justice after violence has occurred, and that God will change the culture that excuses violent acts of any form.
Creative prayer
Weigh different items on a scale and compare how much you need of each one to get the same weight. Notice how for some items you need to put far more of them on the scales than for others to get the same result. Unfortunately, things can be like this in the world. Some people have privileges that aren’t obvious from looking at them, but mean they have to make less effort to get the same results as others. As you do this, pray and ask God to help you see unfairness in the world. Ask him to help you speak up for those who are disadvantaged.
Prayer Station 5:
Creation Stewardship Co-ordinator, Peru
Creation Stewardship
Laura-Lee has served with BMS World Mission in Peru since 2012. She initially worked in the Peruvian Amazon, assisting with the development of environmental and educational initiatives through the Nauta Integral Mission Training Centre.
In 2021, Laura-Lee relocated to Piura and took up the role of Creation Stewardship Co-ordinator with BMS. She oversees BMS’ creation stewardship strategy and works with local churches to build eco-stoves and deliver disaster preparedness training.
Laura-Lee says:
Peru is a country which you could definitely classify as ‘good land’ according to Old Testament criteria. It’s rich in natural resources and ‘megadiverse,’ due to the combined ecological wealth of the country’s coastline, mountains and jungle.
Sadly, much of the country’s richness is squandered due to mismanagement and corruption. Significant socioeconomic inequalities persist, with nearly 60 per cent of Peruvian households still lacking one or more essential services like drinking water, sanitation or electricity.
Since my teenage years, I suspected that the inadequate management of natural resources, whether water, soil, fossil fuels or firewood to name a few, was probably a significant contributor to a lot of human suffering around the world. When I became a Christian, the connection between loving one’s neighbour and being a good steward of God’s good creation seemed clear.
For greater empathy and action from the UK Church. Many of our brothers and sisters around the world are already suffering the consequences of poor creation stewardship – often due to the actions of other nations.
Creative Prayer
Use monopoly cards for electricity and water or a bottle of water and a lamp. Get participants to write prayers of thanks or draw pictures around what they use water and electricity for. Pray that others can have access to those same basic needs we take for granted.